Household Organization Services

Kitchen Design / Organization
From basic organizing to consulting on a complete makeover, we will make every cabinet, drawer, and pantry useful. Your kitchen will be relaxing and inspiring when preparing your family meals, instead of frustrating because you’re looking for things.

Closet Design / Organization
Let us help you set up your closet where you can easily find and store your things. Whether it is a linen closet, clothes closet, or storage closet, we can design and install a closet system that is tailored to your personal needs.

Basement Organization
Whether your basement is a functional part of your house or a storage area, we can de-clutter and establish storage solutions to fit your needs. Your items will be sorted into storage totes and labeled for easy access, and community areas and workspaces will be designed to fit your lifestyle needs. We will even map your basement so you can keep it organized.

Workshop Organization
From craft areas to woodworking shops, we will help you design a space that is designed around what you do to relax.

Home Office Organization
Your home office should be an efficient place to get things done so you can enjoy the rest of your house, not just a place for mail to collect and create frustration when it’s time to pay the bills. Let us help design a system where your paperwork flows through and all your office essentials are easily at hand.

Clutter Removal
For those really cluttered areas, we will sort through everything and help you discard unwanted or unnecessary stuff, establish an area for the things you want to keep and put everything in its place.

Garage Organization
The garage should be an extension of your house. We will create an orderly environment where you can easily store and find everything using shelving, totes, or custom garage storage systems.

Whether moving to assisted living or just a smaller home, we will work with you to sort through your stuff so that you have with you only those items that are useful or cherished.

“In order to seek one’s own direction, one must simplify the mechanics of ordinary, everyday life.”
— Plato 

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